Airborne Infection Isolation Room (AIIR Technology)
Overview AIIR Technology
As hospitals are increasingly running out of valuable bed space and isolation rooms, more makeshift community care hospitals are being retrofitted in exhibition halls, sports halls and indoor stadiums amongst other. While this set-up may serve as an aid for the pandemic-induced shortage of proper treatment and recovery areas, its open-spaced design limits its function only to recovering “early” well patients and to asymptomatic COVID- 19 positive patients.
We offer AMS GLOBAL Airborne Infection Isolation Room (AIIR) Technology. It is a full-encompassing innovative solution for the exponentially rising number of individuals infected with SARS-COV-2 virus worldwide. This technology aims to provide proper isolation for COVID-19 positive individuals with varying viral shredding capacities while allowing optimal care and throughput.
Products under AMS GLOBAL AIIR Technology range from a stand-alone quick install Makeshift Recovery and Treatment Isolation Room to rapid self-assembly kits and isolation containers which are available in different models :
- Modular 20′ Container
- Modular 40′ Container
- Single 40′ Container Premium.
Makeshift Recovery & Treatment Isolation Room
Overview MRTIR Technology
Makeshift Recovery & Treatment Isolation Room is a controlled, negatively-pressurized room designed to be used by COVID-19 positive individuals with mild to moderate level of symptoms, hence with less viral shedding often characterized by occasional coughing and sneezing. Makeshift Recovery and Treatment Isolation Room can be retrofitted into hospital wards to convert normal beds into temporary isolation rooms with optional anterooms. These hospital wards can be returned to normal wards after the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Key Features
Single HEPA Filter air supply
- Double HEPA Filter exhaust with UV-C kill box single pass
- Room exhaust with UV-C lighting technology
- 1200 mm x 2000 mm patient bed
- Clear fixed windows for visibility
- Medical Curtain
- Modular Partition PVC door with vision panels
- Aluminium column and connector beams
- LED Lighting
- Pressure gauge for differential pressure monitoring
Filtration System
- Ambient air is drawn from the top of the room and is passed through a single HEPA filter, supplying the isolation room with fresh HEPA-filtered air.
- Air within the room, through appropriate engineering control, is kept at a negative pressure to the ambient environment resulting to desired air entrapment of contaminated air.
- Contaminated air will then be pulled through a double HEPA filter exhaust with UV-C kill box single pass and UV-C lighting technology before being purged out to the external environment.
Self-Assembly Kit
A kit designed to be used for enclosed spaces which call for rapid deployment of a controlled room environment. Kit assembly allows quick conversion of pre-existing rooms and hospital wards into an improvised negatively – pressurized isolation room. With a revolutionary plug and play approach, these rooms and hospital wards can be returned to nromal after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Isolation Containers
An isolation room built with a personal en suit bathroom and anteroom; designed for severe viral shedding and sneezing with no other severe symptoms that require admission to intensive care wards.
Modular 20' & 40' Container
An isolation room build with a personal en suite bathroom and anterroom; designed for severe viral shedding COVID-19 positive individuals often characterized by frequent coughing and sneezing with no other severe symptoms that require admission to intensive care wards.
Single 40' Container Premium
An isolation room build with a personal en suite living room, bathroom and anter-room; designed for individuals who want private space without any other severe symptoms that may require admission to intensive care wards.

AMS Mobile Diagnostic Laboratory

AMS Mobile diagnostic test laboratory and research solutions are designed for virus infected areas where specialized laboratory mechanical contractors are not present.
This turnkey services makes the diagnostic unit easy to deploy in situations where the medical provider desires to cover large areas and in situations where mobility of health services is desirable (through shifting demand). The Mobile Dx lab is a Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2) laboratory, making it suitable for conducting diagnostics for viruses like SARS-CoV-2.
Mobile Diagnostic Laboratory Equipment List
- Airstream Class II Biosafety Cabinet
- Airstream PCR Cabinet
- HP Series Laboratory Refrigerator +2°C to 15°C
- HP Series Laboratory Freezer, -10°C to -20°C
- Versati High Speed Micro Centrifuge Refrigerated
- Swift ProGene Real Time PCR Thermal Cycler
Swab Booth of TTC’s Screening Area
The swab booths in the TTC’s screening area can either be the mass screening swab booth (MSSB) or the infectious disease diagnostic sampling booth (IDDSB). The selected swab booth highly depends on the client’s preference.
Booth Types
- Mass Screening Swab Booth (MSSB)
- Infectious Disease Diagnostic Sampling Booth (IDDSB)
Mass Screening Swab Booth (MSSB)
This unit is designed for the mass swabbing of potential carriers of the severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SRAS-Cov-2) virus or other possible severe infections.
It provides enhanced protection for P U I s with some level of COVID-19 symptoms. MSSB is cost-effective and easy to deploy. This booth increases the number of diagnosed patients with an estimate on 12-15 swabs per hour, with consideration to consultation time during each test.
Infectious Disease Diagnostic Sampling Booth (IDDSB)
The IDDSB controls exposure risk to harmful aerosols / airborne disease by providing containment using airflow to capture and exhaust out aerosols from sputum expectoration, handling, sampling or swabbing of asymptomatic carriers, patients under investigation that have some form of COVID-19 symptoms which are borderline to other infectious diseases, COVID-19 positive patients. The booths is pressure-tested ( can be configured to Class II Leak Tight containment as per ISO 10648-2 ) and operates under negative pressure, providing both operator / patient and environmental protection.
Designated Individual Waiting Booths
The Booths are partitioned with a polycarbonate material or patients can wait through their designated contained wheelchair.