Clean Room Electrical, BMS & EMS
In AMS Global, Cleanroom Electrical system is designed in such a way that a Cleanroom system can be run uninterruptedly for round-the-clock operations of facility and to provide required power for the whole facility.
The levels of automations ( BMS ) required can be modified to the customer suggestions. It can be achieve by using appropriate sensor at altered location where we needs to measure the values and have a control which can understand the input, processing it and displayed the value and sets the value for any applicable alarm, control, modulation.
Integrated Building Management System including online facility management complying to 21 CFR Part 11.
Major works in Electrical & BMS Systems are:
- Load analysis and calculations with Basic and Detailed Engineering
- BMS sensors to Monitor and Display Relative Humidity, Temperature and Differential Pressure etc.
- MV and LV distribution Panels
- HVAC atomization
- Fire Detection & Protection
- CCTV & Fire Alarms System
- Complete cabling works with Earthing.
- Internal Electrification (Lighting & Power Distribution) with BMS Systems.
- Low Voltage Distribution (Data & Voice) with Cables and Cable Trays.